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Phrmacology I for nurses

Administer  Medications  Using  Knowledge Of The  Principles Of Five Right, Namely, Right Patient ,Right Drug, Right Dosage ,Right  Time ,& Right Route.
3.  Accurately  Interpret  Prescriptions Prescribed     By The  Physician.
4.  Appreciate  the  Importance Of Safe Management & Storage To Protect self & Patient .

Describe  The  Action Dosage &Method Of  Administration  of Drug  used  In  Diseases Of Cardio Vascular System, Gastrointestinal  Tract, Respiratory Tract,&  Urinary Tract .
Administer  The Above  drug  &  Observation  Record &  Report Therapeutic  Effects  & Adverse  reactions.
Appreciate  The Nurses Professional  Responsibilities In The  Administration  Of  The Above  Drugs.
Method  Of  Evaluation ;
Calculations And  Interpreting  Prescriptions  Practice                         20%1.Grundy H.F, Lecture notes
Final  Examination       80%                                      
Grundy  H. F. Lecture notes  on  Pharmacology  .
Katzung , B. G. Basic and  clinical  Pharmacology .
Laurnce ,D.R.& Bennett ,P.N. clinical Pharmacology .
Method of  Teaching  &  Learning                            
Lecture/Discussion, Demonstrations ,Large & Small group Work, Practice in Calculations & Interpreting  Prescriptions.
Definitions ;
Drug  is Substance  used in  the  Diagnosis ,Prevention  or  Treatment  of  a Disease .  

WHO Definition – Drug      
 “ Drug  is any Substance   or Product that  is  used or  Intended  to  be Used to  Modify  or Explore
   Physiological  Systems   or  Pathological  States
    for  the  Benefit   of  the  Recipient” .
                                          Don at 12 .06.14        
Pharmacokinetics ;
Pharmacokinetic  Is  the Study  of  the  Absorption , Distribution ,  Metabolism and  excretion  of the    drug .[   what the  body  does  to the  drug   ] .
Pharmacodynamics  ;                            
        Pharmacodynamics  is the Study of the  Effect of  the  Drugs  on  the Body & Their Mechanisms  of Action .
   (what  the  drug  does to the  body .)
   Therapeutics  ;    
              Deals with the use  of  Drugs in  the Prevention and  Treatment  of  Disease .
Toxicology  ;                                                
                 Deals  with the Adverse Effects of  Drugs  and also the Study  of  Poisons .
   . (detection ,prevention   and  Treatment  of poisoning s .)
Chemotherapy  ;                                      
                                Chemotherapy  is the  use  of  chemicals  for  the  Treatment  of  Infections . the
    Term now also  Includes the use  of  Chemical Compounds  to  Treat  Malignancies .
Pharmacy  ;                                            
               Pharmacy  is the  Science  of                
    Identification , Compounding and Dispending  of  Drug.  It Also Includes  Collection ,Isolation ,  
    Purification , Synthesis  and  Standardization of
    Medicinal  Substances .

History of Pharmacology
The  world Pharmacology  is Derived from Greek
  - “ Pharmacon”  . Man  Knew the  useful and toxic
      Effects  of  many Plant and  Animal Products  
       Even in  Ancient  Times. In Early Days There
       was  a  Close  Relationship Between Religion &
      Treatment  of  Diseases .The Knowledge  of the
      Use of  Drugs often Rested  with the Priest or  
  Holy man . Drugs were though to  be  Magical  in
  Their  Actions .  Though  Medicine  developed
   simultaneously  in  Several  countries . The  Spread  of Knowledge  was Limited  Because  of
    Poorly  Developed Communication Across The
    world . Several  Cultures  Like The  Chinese ,  Roman ,European ,Persian  and  Many  others
    Contributed a Great Deal  to the development of

Medicine in  Early  times .                                      
                                            The  Drug  Prescriptions    Included  Preparations  from  Herbs , Plants ,   Minerals ,Animals . In the Middle  Ages , Many
 Herbal  Gardens  Were  cultivated  Particularly by
 The monasteries .    
                               The Earliest  Writings on  drugs  
  are the  Egyptian  Medical  Papyrus (1600 B C ) .
  Indian’s  Earliest  Pharmacological  writings are
  From  the  “  Vedas” .
 Thus  several  Systems  of  Medicine  Were  Tried
 but  Only  a  few  Survived  .  By  the  end  of  the
 17th  Century  the  Importance  of Experimentation
 and  Observation  and  Scientific  Methods  of
 Study  Became  Clear . “Francois  Magendie” and
 “Claude  Bernard”  Popularised the  use  of  
  Animal  Experiments to  Understand  the  Effects
Of  Drug .
Simultaneous  Development of  other Branches
Of  Science  Viz Botany ,  Zoology , chemistry  and
Physiology  Helped  in the  Better Understanding
Of  Pharmacology .   The  Last  Century  Has Seen
 A  Rapid of  the Subject  With  several  New drugs ,
 New Concepts  and  Techniques  Being  Introduced

 We  now   Know  Much  more  about  Receptors
 and  Molecular  Mechanisms  of  action of  Many
 Drugs .  Several  Diseases  which were  considered
 Incurable  and  Fatal  can  now be  Completely
 Cured  With   Just  a  Few  Tablets  .
       at 2012.o6.25.

                   Sources   of   Drugs                                    
 The  Sources  of  Drugs   Could  be divide ;                        
           1.      Natural  sources                                  
           2.      Synthetic  sources                                      
 Natural  Sources  ;                                                      
       1.  Plants    (atropine, quinine )                          
       2.  Animals  (insulin,  heparin )                        
       3. Minerals (Aludrox , Iron  )
4.Microorganisms (Penicillin )                
5. Human  ( Immunoglobulin  from Blood )
Synthetic  ;            
              Most drugs are now  Synthesized      
           (Neostigmine ,Sulfonamides  )
Pharmaceutical   Standards  .
Drug  Compendia
Books  are sources  of Information  on  Drugs .
Pharmacopoeias  and  Formularies are  together
Known  as Drug Compendia . Drug Compendia
 are  2  types.
             1. Official  Compendia .
              2. Non official Compendia .                                                            
1.  Official compendia
                                     Official  Compendia Include
Information  sources (or  books )  on  drugs which
Are  recognized  by the  Government  of  that
Country  as “ Legal standard” .
              eg.  Pharmacopoeia ,       Drug Formulary .
                               pharmacopoeia  is  ,the official
Publication  containing a list of  Drugs  and
Medicinal  Preparations. It  contains  a  list of  drugs
And  related  substances  are  Approved for use ,
Formulae  and  other  information  needed to
Prepare  the  drugs .  Each  country  may follow its
Own  pharmacopoeia . Eg; British pharmacopoeia ,
 Indian Pharmacopoeia, United States
Pharmacopoeia ,  USSR and  Japan Pharmacopoeia.
The  international Pharmacopoeia is  Published  by
WHO  in  many  Languages .All  Pharmacopoeias
Are Revised  at  Regular periods  to delete old
Useless  drugs  and  to  Include  newly introduced
Ones .
Drug Formulary
                            Also Provides Information on drugs.
The National Formulary is a  smaller book that
 Contains information  on  formulation  which are
 Used  Therapeutically .It  is  Prepared by  the
 National formulary committee  of  health
 Department.  Expert  Opinion is also  taken from
 medical  associations ,Hospitals ,Teaching  
Institutions and  Pharmaceutical  Industry  in
Preparing  in  This  book .
 eg; a). British National Formulary .
        b).Ceylon Hospitals  Formulary .
       c). National Formulary  of  India.
         done  at  12.07 .09.
                       2. Non official  compendia  
                                               The  books other  than
 The official  compendia which  provide information
 on Drugs .     Eg ; Text  book , Journals  .
Collect & list of name the text book &  journals                
       Professional  Obligations of  the  Nurse Related  to Pharmacology .
 1.Safe custody  of  Drugs .
 2. Legal  Implications
 3. Poisonous  and Dangerous  drug  ordinance .
Nurses Responsibility in Drug therapy.
1.   Storage .
   2.Ordering .
   3 .Accounting .
 1.  Drug  Storage    (Safe Custody of Drugs .)
All Drugs  are   Potentially  dangerous and  all
 Must  be Stored in Locked  Cupboards  Reserved

Specifically  for  Drugs .
2. Ward Sisters  are  Legally Authorized  to  Passes
  Controlled  Drugs  for  use  on  their Wards  and
 These  all  other  Drugs  Issued  To the ward  are  in  their  Custody  .
 3. Drugs  in  Current  use  may be  stored  in Drug
  Trolleys  Provided  These  are Locked and
  Immobilized  Between Drug  Rounds .
3.Topical  Preparations  Such  as  Ointments , Lotions,  and  Disinfectants ,are  also  Dangerous.
    If  Misused  and  these  too  Must  be Locked  in
    Cupboards .
 4. This  has been  Mandatory  for  Many  years  in
     Children  Wards.

5. Most  Drugs  and  it  is  the  Pharmacist’s
    Responsibility  to  ensure  that  the  label  on the
   container  Adequate  Instructions  such  as
   Store  in a  Refrigerator . ( maintain in cold  chain).
6.All  Injections  and  many Tablets  have Expiry
  Dates  Assigned by the  Manufacturer nurse  should
 be checked this  date  Regularly and  replacement
 Before  Reaching  their expiry  date .
                Naming  of  Drugs                          
                             A   Drug can have  two  names .
   1.Generic (Non  Proprietary )  Name.      
   2.Proprietary  (Brand )  Name .
 1.Generic   name            
                             Name  is  given  by  an  Official
Agency  like  WHO and  Internationally  Accepted .
The  drug has the  same  generic  name All  over
 the  world . It gives a clue  to the  class  of  the
 drug.  Eg ; Propanalol ,Atenolol ,metoprolol – all
Are –B blockers.
2.proprietary  name
            Brand Name Is The Given By  Manufacturer.
Hence  Each  Drug  May Have Many  Brand Names.
The  Main  Advantage  In  Using  Brand  Name  Is
The  Consistency  Of  The  Product- Especially
Bioavailability.           Done   at  12.07.10
 Drugs   Control
                            drugs  are  grouped  for  legal
Purpose  as ;
1. official  drugs  :-
                     official  drugs  are  preparations  listed
In  the  pharmacopeia  of  that  country.
2. Dangerous  Drugs
                                 Drugs  Of  Addiction  Like  Coca
Leaf ,Opium ,Cannabis , And  Products  Of  These
Are   All  Called  Dangerous  Drugs .
3.Prescription  Drugs     done  at 12.07.11.
                                    This  Drugs  Are  Those  Which
Are  Dispensed  Only  On  Prescriptions .

This  Is  Because   Such  Drugs  Are  Considered
Unsafe For Use  Except  Under Medical  Supervision.
E.G. ;-   Diazepam , Phenobarbitone .
                  Drugs  Laws
                    ,        The  Manufacture  , Distribution
And , Sale Of  Drug  Require  Specialized Knowledge
Knowledge ,skill , and  expertise . They  should
Be  handled by   qualified  staff.
Drug  laws  in which  they  were  passed
1. 1878 – the  opium act
 2. 1919- the poisons act
3.the  dangerous  drugs  act  -1940 .
4.1985 –the  narcotic  drugs and psychotropic
 Substances  Act  .
   Cosmetics , Devices  And  Drugs  Act  (CDD  ACT) .
No  27  of  1980 .
                legislative  frame  work  to  control  the
Use  of  cosmetics ,devices ,&  drugs in  the
Srilanka .  The  act  controls:-
1. registration .     2. manufacture .
 3. Importation  .          4. Transport
  5.  Sale  (Whole  Sale & Retail )
  6 .  Labeling .
  7.  Advertisement .
  8. Distribution  Of  Drug  Samples .
  9. Testing .
  10 .Distribution  Of  Outdate  Or  Spoilt .
  Amendment  To  The  Act .
  1.   Act  No  38  Of  1984 .
2. Act  No 25 Of  1987 .
 3. Act  No   12  Of  1993.                      
This  Act  Which Regulate  And  Maintains  Powers As
The  CDD  Authority  In  Srilanka .
To  implement  the  CDD  act  &  regulations therein
Authorized  officers  ;-
         1.  superintend  of  health  service
         2   .MOH
          3.  FDI
          4 . Divisional  pharmacists
          5. PHI
                       unit   -  2
   Drug  Administration  ,    Pharmacokinetic , Pharmacodynamics  ,    And   Dosage

                     Drug   Administration
             routes   of  administration
                                     drugs  may be  administered
By  various  routes . The  routes  can  be divided
Into :-             1.  oral
                        2.  parenteral

   1.  oral  route
          this  is  most  common  and  safest  route of
Drug  administration . The  large  surface  area of
The  GI-tract , different  parts help  effective
Absorption of  the  drugs given  orally.
 advantages :- most  convenient  and   economical ,
Non  invasive  route , drugs  can be  self -
   Disadvantages  :-
 Absorption  Is  Needs  Time  There Fore   Slower
Action  , Cannot Be Given  To  Unconscious  And
Uncooperative  Patient  , Some  Drug  May Be
Destroyed  By  Gastric   Juice ,  Irritation  To  The
Gi-tract  May  Lead  To  Vomiting  ,
  2. Parenteral  Route
                   This  Routes  Administration  Of  Drugs
Are  Directly  Delivered  Into Tissue  Fluid  Or  Blood.
 Therefore  In  Emergencies  Are  Very  Useful Routes
Of  Parenteral Drug  Administration  Because
The  Action  Is  Rapid  And  Predictable  In  Used  To
Unconscious  Patients .

 Advantages  :-
  Gastric   Irritants  Can Be Given Parentrally .
It  Can  Be  Used  In  Patient  With  Vomiting
Or  Those  Unable  To  Swallow .
Disadvantages  :-
  More  Expensive  ,May Be  Painful  ,Injury
To  May Be  Nerves  And Other  Tissues    
Parenteral  routes  include :-
   1.  injections       2.  inhalation
 3. transdermal  route    4.   trans mucosal  route .
1. Injections :-
    A  )   .Intradermal   :- Only  Small  Quantity  Can Be  Administered  By  This  Route . (Raising  A Bleb )
  Bcg ,Vaccine  Test  For  Allergy.
Subcutaneous  :-       Here  The  Drug  Is  Deposited  In  The  S.C   Tissue. This  Tissue  Is
Less  Vascular , Absorption  Is  Slow  And  The  Drug
Long –Acting . It  Is Reliable  And Patient  Can Be
Trained  For  Self –Administration . E g.  -Insulin .

 Drugs  Can Be  Administered  Subcutaneously  As :-
                           The Drug  Is  Packed  In  Sialistic
Tubes  And  Implanted   Subcutaneously.  The  Drug
Gets   Absorbed  Over  Months  To  Provide
Constant  Blood  Levels. The  Empty  
Non- Biodegradable  Implant  Has To  Be Removed .
E.G.  Hormones  And  Contraceptives .

C.   Intramuscular :-
Aqueous  Solution  Of  The  Drug  Is  Injected  In To
One  Of  The  Large  Skeletal  Muscles.  As  The
Muscles  Are  Vascular , Absorption  Is  Rapid  And
Quite . If The  Drug Is Injected  As  An Oily  solution
Or  Suspension ,  The  Absorption  Is  Slow   .                .        Done  at  12.07.24

D. Intravenous :-           The  Drug  Is  Injected  Into
One  Of  The  Superficial  Veins  That  Is Directly
Reaches   The  Circulation  And  Is Immediately
Available   For  Action.  
Drugs   can  be given  IV  as  :-
-  A bolus :-  Where  An  Initial  Large  Dose Is  Given.
The  Drugs  Is  Dissolved  In  Suitable  Amount Of
Injected  Slowly  ..
- Slowly :-  Injected  Iv  Over  15-20  Minutes.
E.G – Aminophylline.
-  Slow  Infusion :-
             Large  Volume  Have  To  Be  Given   Solution
Is   Infused  Over  3-  To  4  Hours .  But  Rate  Of
Infusion  Depends  On  The  Condition  Of  The
Patient.   E.g.   dextrose  , saline.
2.  Inhalation :-
                   Volatile  Liquids  And  Gases  Given   By
Inhalation .  These  Inhaled  Drugs  And  Vapors
May  Act  On  The  Pulmonary  Epithelium  And
Mucous  Membranes   Of  The  Respiratory  Tract
And  Are   Also  Absorbed  Through  These
Membranes  .
 3. Transdermal  Route :-
            Highly  Lipid  Soluble  Drugs  Can Be  Applied
Over  The  Skin  For Slow  And  Prolonged
Absorption .     Inunction  ,   adhesive  units  are
Some  forms of  transdermal  drugs  delivery .
   inunction  :-   in this  method  of  administration
The  drugs  is  rubbed  into  the skin  and  it  gets
Absorbed  to  produced  systemic  effect  .

4.  Transmucosal   Route
                                           The  Drugs  Are  Absorbed
The  Mucous  Membranes .  Transmucosal
Administration  Includes  Sublingual,  Nasal  ,Rectal
 Routes  .
 A .   Sublingual
               the  tablet  or  pellet  containing  the  drug
Is  placed  under  the  tongue .  It  dissolves  and
The  drug  is    absorbed  across  the  sublingual
Mucosa  .
B . Nasal :-
               drugs  can  be  administered  through
Nasal  route  either  systemic  absorption  for

Local  effects .
     C .  Rectal :-
                     Rectum  Has  A  Rich  Blood Supply  And
Drugs  Can  Cross  The  Rectal  Mucosa  To Be
Absorbed   For  Systemic   Effects .   Some Irritant
Drugs  Are  Given  Rectally   As   Suppositories  .
 3.  local  route  ( topical  )  :-
                      Drugs  May  Be  Applied  on  The  Skin
For  Local  Action  As  Ointment,  Cream  , Gel ,
Powder,  Paste ,.  Drugs  May  Also  Be  Applied  On
The  Mucous  Membrane  As  In  The  Eyes , Ears ,
And  Nose  As  Ointment ,Drops ,And  Sprays.
      done  at  12.07.30.
Pharmacokinetics   :-

The  study  of  the absorption ,distribution ,
Metabolism , and  excretion  of  the  drugs  . All
These  processes  involve  passage  of  the  drug
Molecules  across  various  barriers  like  the
Intestinal  epithelium ,cell  membrane , renal
Filtering  membrane, capillary  barrier  and so  on .
Absorption   Is  Defined  As  The  Passage  Of  The
Drug  From  The Site  Of  Administration  In To The
Circulation .  For  A  Drug  To Reach  Its  Site  Of
Action,  It  Must  Pass  Through  Various  
Membranes  Depending  On  The  Route Of
Administration .Thus  Except  For  Intravenous  Route  ,absorption  is  important  for all  other
Routes  Of  Administration . Several  Factors
Influence  The  Rate And  Extent  Of Absorption  Of
Drug .   They   Are  :-
        1   .Disintegration  & Dissolution  Time  -
     The  Drug  Taken  Orally Should  Break  Up Into
Individual  Particles  To Be  Absorbed . It  Then Has
To  Dissolve  In The  Gastrointestinal  Fluids .
 2.  formulation
                          pharmaceutical  preparations  are
Formulated  to  produce   desired  absorption .
Inert  substances  used  with  drugs  as diluents
Like  starch  and  lactose  may sometimes
Interfere  with  absorption .
 3.Partical  Size
                        Small Particle  Size  Is Important
 For  Better  Absorption Of  Drugs .
Area And Vascularity Of  The  Absorbing Surface
                          The  Larger  The Area Of Absorbing
 Surface And  More  The Vascularity  Better  Is The
 Absorption .
                           Some  Drugs  May  Be Degraded  In  The   Gi- Tract  E.G .  Insulin , Nitroglycerin .  
  Bioavailability    :-     the   fraction  of  the drug
That  reaches the  systemic circulation  following
Administration  by any routes . Thus , for a drug

Given  Iv ,The  Bioavailability   Is  100 % .On Im / Sc
Injection  ,Drug  Are Almost  Completely Absorbed
While  By  Oral  Route  , Bioavailability  May  Be
Low  Due To  Incomplete  Absorption  .
                            2.  Distribution
                                     After  Drug  Reaches  The
Systemic  Circulation , It  Gets  Distributed  To
To  various  tissues . It  should  cross   several barriers
Before  reaching  the  site of  action .like  absorption
, distribution  also   involves  the  same  processes.
(filtration , diffusion , and  specialized  transport )  .
Various  factors  determine  the  rate and  extent  of
Distribution  ,viz . ,lipid solubility ,ionization ,blood
Flow  and  binding to  plasma  proteins  and

 Proteins .   Un Ionized  Lipid Soluble  Drugs Are
Widely  Distributed  Throughout  The  Body .
                           3. Metabolism
Metabolism  or  biotransformation  is  the  process
Of biochemical  alteration of  the drug  in the body.

                                                      Body treats
Most  drugs  as foreign  substances  and  tries  to
Inactivate  and eliminate  them  by  various
Biochemical  reactions  .these  processes  convert
 the  drugs  in to  more polar , water – soluble
Compounds  so  that they  are easily  excreted    

Through  the  kidneys . Some  drugs may  be
Excreted  largely unchanged  in the  urine . (frusemide , atenolol )  .
        the most  important  organ of biotransformation  site is  the  liver . But  the
Drugs  are also  metabolized  by the  kidney ,
Gut mucosa , lungs , blood  and  skin .
                         drugs are  excreted  from  the  body
After  being  converted  to  water  - soluble
Metabolites  while  some  are  directly  eliminated
Without  metabolism . The  major  organs of excretion
Are  the  kidneys  ,the  intestine ,  the biliary  system
And  the  lungs  . Drugs  are  also  excreted  in  small
Amount s  in  the saliva , sweat  and  milk .
     renal  excretion
                    kidney is most  important organ of drug  excretion.  The  three processes  involved in the
Elimination  of  drugs  through  kidneys are
Glomerular  filtration , active  tubular  secretion
And  passive  tubular  reabsorption .
    Fecal  And  Biliary  Excretion
                          unabsorbed  portion  of  the orally
Administrated  drugs  are  eliminated  through  the
Feces , liver  transfers   acids   bases and  unionized
Molecules  in to  bile by  specific  transport processes.
            pulmonary  excretion
                        the  lungs  are  the  main  route  of
Elimination  for  gases &  volatile  liquids  VIZ
General  anesthetics  and  alcohol .
        other  route  of  excretion
                       small  amount of  some  drugs are
Eliminated  through  the  sweat  and  saliva .
Saliva – metronidazole , phenytoin .
Sweat – rifampicin  .
        Drug Dosage
             the  branch  of  medical  science   which deals
With  doses  is  called  posology . (posos - how  much:  logos – science /study  in Greek ) .
                                                the therapeutic  dose
Of a drug is  the quantity  of the  drug  needed to
Produce  the  therapeutic   effect .
    Maximum  Dose
                   the  largest  dose  of  drug that  can be
Safely  given  to a patient  without  producing
Harmful  effects .
     Toxic  Dose  
                         the  dose  of  the  drug  which
Produces  undesirable  effects  in  majority  of the
Patients .
Lethal  dose
                      the  dose  of the drug which  can cause  death . ( phenobarbitone is 6 /10  gram).
                                        minimum  dose   is  the
Smallest   dose required  to produced  a  desired
Therapeutic  effect  of  the  drug .    
                                             Pharmacodynamics  Is
The  Study  Of  Action  Of  The  Drugs  On The Body
And  Their Mechanisms  Of Action .  Drugs  Produce
Their  Effects  By  Interacting  With  The  
Physiological  System  Of  The  Organisms . Drugs
May   Increased  Or Decrease  The Secretion .
 Thus  Drugs  Action  By ;-
    1. stimulation          2. Depression
    3. Irritation            4. Replacement
    5.anti infective  or  cytotoxic  action  
   6. modification  of  the  immune  status

    drugs  may  produce  their  effects  by acting
Locally  or  systemically  .
       Adverse  Drug  Reactions    
                   all  drugs can  produce  unwanted
Effects .   wHO    has  defined  an  adverse drug
Reaction  as “ any  response  to a  drug that  is
Noxious and  unintended  and that  occurs  at dose
Used  in man  for  prophylaxis  , diagnosis , or
Therapy” . All  drugs  can  cause  adverse  effects .
Some  patients  are more  likely to develop adverse
Effects  to  drugs . Nurse  should  have  a good
Knowledge  about  allergic  reactions .
                                   Side  Effects
                                           side  effects  are  unwanted
Effects  of  a drug  that  are  extensions   of

Pharmacological  effects  and  are  seen  with
Therapeutic  dose  of  the  drug . They  are
Predictable , common and can  occur in  all
People .  E. g . -  hypoglycemia   due  to  insulin .
       Toxic  Effects  
                              toxic  effects  are  seen  with
Higher  doses  of  the drug  and can be  serious .
E. g -  morphine  causes  respiratory  depression
 in  over  dosage .
                         Idiosyncrasy   is  a  genetically
Determined  abnormal reaction  to  a  drug . E.g –
Primaquine  and  sulfonamides  induce  
Hemolysis   in  a  patients  with  g6pd  deficiency.
         Allergic  reactions
                                   allergic  reaction  to  drugs  are
Immunologically –mediated  reactions  which  are
Not   related  to  the  therapeutic  effects  of  the
Drug  . The  drug  or its  metabolite  acts  as an
Antigen  to  induce   antibody  formation.
Subsequent  exposure  to  the  drug  may  result
In  allergic  reactions . This  reactions  are  seen

Mainly  on  the  target  organs  viz respiratory tract,
Gastrointestinal tract , blood  and  blood vessels .
                    Drug  Dependence    
                        drugs  that  influence  the  behavior
And  mood  are often  misused to  obtain their
Pleasurable  effects . Repeated  use of  such  drugs
Result  in  dependence . Drug  dependence  is a state
Of compulsive use  of  drugs  though  the  person

Is  aware  of  risks  associated  with  its  use.
Dependence  could be psychological  or  physical
Dependence .
         physical  dependence is  said to be present
When  withdrawal  of the drug  produces  adverse
Symptoms . Stopping   the drug  results  in withdrawal
Syndrome . The  symptoms  of  withdrawal  syndrome
Are  disturbing  and the person  then  craves  for the
Drug .
        psycho logic  dependence  is  compulsive  drug
Seeking  behavior  to obtain  its  pleasurable  effects .
  Unit  -  111
    Weight   And  Measures  Of   Pharmaceutical
 Preparations  .
                     Weight Is A  Measure Of The  
Gravitational  Force  Acting  On A Body  And
Directly  Proportional   To  Its  Mass .
          Here  Measures  Refer  To  The  Measurement
Of  Volume Of A  Drug .
There  are  two  systems  used  in weight  and
Measures .
   1.  Metric  System  .
   2. Imperial  System .    
                                         1. Metric  System
         This  Is  The International  System  Of Weight
And  Measures   based  on  meter and  gram  so
Now including  these  6 primary  units is  also called
S. I.  System .  It  is  based  on decimal  system .
Metric  system  are  simpler , easier  and  more
Accurate  to  use .  The  standard  unit  of measuring
Weight   is  kilogram (Kg)  and measuring  the
Capacity  is  liter (l) .

 units  of weight
       1 kilogram   (   kg )           = 1000 g
       1 hectogram   ( hg)          =100g
       1decagram  ( dag )          =10g
       1miligram  ( mg   )           =0.001g  ( 1mg )
      1centigram (cg )                = 10 mg
Units  of  capacity  
                           1 liter    (l)      =1000ml
Domestic  measures
                              these  measures are  used  to the
Doses  of liquids at  home .there is a lot  of
Variation  in  the  size  of  the  domestic  measures
Used .
 common domestic  measures  :-
       1  teaspoonful         =  4 ml
       1 tablespoonful       =  15 ml
    1 teacupful               =120 ml
    1 ml                           = 16 drops
    1  drop                      = 1 minim
    1 tumblerful            =240 ml              
       Imperial   System
This  system is  an  old  system  and  is based  on
Units  which are  not  related .it  is complicated
To  follow  and  therefore  not  the  preferred
System . The  imperial  standard  is  pound .
Imperial  system  is divided  to 2 type.
1 . Avoirdupois  system
2. Apothecaries  system
Measures  of  capacity  in  imperial  system .
      the  standard  unit  of  capacity  is gallon . This  is
The  same  for  avoirdupois  and  apothecaries
System  .  
  1 gallon                       =160  fluid  ounce
  1/ 8th of gallon        = 1  pint   /  20 fluid ounces
  1/ 60th of gallon     = 1  fluid  ounce
 1/  8th of fl  ounce  =  1  fluid  drachm                        
Avoirdupois  system
        The  Standard  Unit  Of  This  System  is pound.
 1 pound   lb    equivalent  16  Oz
1 ounce     oz   ---                  437.5 grains
1/ 60th   of  fl  drachm   =  1 minim
 1fluid ounce                    =480  minims .
  Apothecaries  System  :-
   this  is  also  known  as  troy  system  and  the
Standard  weight  is grain .
         20   grains             = 1 scruple
         60  grains              = 1 drachm
    480    grains               = 1 ounce /1  troy ounce
        12  troy                   = 1pound
Pound                    lb                            Libra
Measures  of  capacity.
 Minim                   m                          minimum
Pint                          o                           octavius
Abbreviations   used   in  apothecaries  system .
Eng;                  abbreviator                   Latin name
Grain                 gr                              Granum
Scruple             €                         scrupulus
Drachm          ³                                         Drachma
Ounce (avoirdu)       oz                                 uncia
Ounce  (apothe)                                    uncia
Pound                             lb                        libra
Minim                             m                       miimum
Fl. drachm                                         fluidrachma
Fl.ounce                                            fluidruncia
Pint                          o                      octarius
Galoon                  c                         congius
Conversion   from  imperial to  metric system
1 grain                      =    65mg(64.8)mg
1drop                        =1 minim  (0.06  ml)
1 fl .ounce                =  30 ml
1gram                       =  15gr
1 ml                           =16 minim
1mg                            =1/65 gr
1liter                            = 33.8  fl.ounce
Percentage    solution  and  calculation
   percentage   solution  are  2  type :-
1. weight in  volume  (w/v)   solution
     formula :- 1%  w/v  solution  means
    solid-    1 part by weight is  dissolved  in
Solvent  enough  to  produce  100 parts by  volume
Of the  solution .  To the   dissolve  the  solid in part
Of  the  solvent  and adjust  the volume  to 100ml.
2.volume   by  volume  solutions
      the  formula  --   1%  v/ v solutions
      solute   1  part  by  volume.
      solvent  to  produce   100  parts by  volume .
 this  means  1 ml of  solute is  dissolved  in
 sufficient   amount  of  solvent  to  produce 100 ml
Of  the  solutio
1.calculate  the  quantity  of  sodium chloride
Required  for  500ml of 5%  solution .
1%  w/v solution  = 1g of NACL  in 100ml  water .
 5% solution          =5g   in  100mlwater .
  for500ml of 5% qu.req.nacl = 5/100              500
Quantity of  required nacl      =25 g.
Percentage  means  number  of g  in  100 ml
2.What  is  the percentage of  nacl in  a solution that
Contains 25mg of nacl  in  50ml  of  the solution ?.
  percentage  =  25/ 50               100 =  50%.
3. How  much  of  insulin(In ml) would  you  draw if
  24  units of  insulin   is required .Supplied  to vial of
   insulin  u-40.
   received  insulin   1ml =  40 unit.
  the  insulin  syringe  has  1ml in  10 division.
;  insulin  syringe  1ml    =10  division
  insulin 40 unit    (in  1ml )   =10 div (In syringes)
  to be draw  24 units    =  10 / 40           24
                                           =  6  division.
Insulin  should  be drawn  up to  6  divisions  to  get
24  units .
Patient  requires  12 units of  plain  insulin  and
32 units  of  lente  insulin.  40  u  strength of  both
Vial   are  available. calculate  the dose of each type
Of  insulin?.
  1ml/40 u      in                       10  division
            1  u             =10/ 40  division
             12  u          =10/ 40                12 =3 div (0.3ml).
40  u            =10 div
32 u              =10/40     32    =8  div (0.8ml)
Lente  insulin should  be drawn   up  to 8 divi
to  get 32 u .
 preparation of  dilute  solution from concentrated
Solutions   :- at.9.17
                   some  drug  are dispensed  as
Concentrated   solutions  so that  it  is easy to
Transport.  Antiseptics  and  disinfectants  are
Generally   supplied  as strong   solutions .
Generally  for  such  solutions , strength  are
Mentioned   as  parts (1: 100)  which means  parts
Of dissolved  substance   in parts  of  the solution.
Weight  of  solid  (in  grams )  is  dissolved  in
Volume  (in ml)  of  the  solution.  
Quantity   of the concentrated  stock  solution
Required  can  be calculated  using a simple formula.
       A  =  D/ H                Q      
A---   amount  of  the  stock  solution needed  for
        preparation .            
D---   desired strength      
H----   strength of  solution available  at  hand .

Q---  quantity of  solution to be prepared.
1. find  the amount  of 10 %  Nacl  required  to
    make  5000ml of  2%  solution .
    des. Strength              =2%
    str.  In hand                 =10%
    quanti. Required         =5000ml
     A                                   =D  / H     × Q
           A                             =0.02 /0.1 × 5000
   A             =1000ml
1000ml  of  10%  Nacl  is mixed  with  4000ml of
Water  to  form 5000ml of  2% solution .
2. A stock  solution of  1  in 1000  candy's  lotion
Is  given  make 5 pints of  1  In 5000 candy's  lotion ?
  des.         Strength       =1  in 5000
  St . In  hand                  = 1  in  1000
 quan .  Required           =  5  pints  
Amount  of  stock  solution  =  ?
   A                  =D  /H  × Q
                          = (1 /5000) / ( 1/ 1000 ) ×  5
                          =1  pint
Take  1 pint  of candy's  lotion  ( 1 in  1000 )and add
4  pint  of  water  to  make  1: 5000  candy's  lotion.

     calculation  of  pediatric  dosage .
            drugs  are  generally  dispensed  In adult
Dose  .some  formula  are  available  for  the
Calculation  of  dosage  for  children  from adult
Dose .
            1. Young's  formula
     this formula  considers  age In  years  and can be
Used  for  children from 1  to 12 years  of age.
child  dose  =   age of child (year) ×  adult  dose
                          --------------------------------------------------                                  ---                  age of  the child (year )  +  12
Adult  dose of a drug is  500mg . Calculate the dose
Of  the  drug  for  3 years  old  child .
Child  dose                =3 / ( 3+  12)     ×  500
   child   dose      =3  /15  × 500
                              =100mg  of  the  drug  is needed
For 3  years  old  child    .
     2. Clarks Formula
               Clarks  formula  considers  weight of  the
  child .
  child  dose =weight of child in pound  × A.  Dose
  ;                     --------------------------------------------------
If  the  adult  dose  of  drug is  750 mg. calculate the
Dose  for  a  child weight  in 20  lb .
    child  dose     = 20  /   150  × 750  
                              =100 mg .
        3.  Fried's  formula
This  formula  is  useful  for calculation   of  dose
In children  under  1years  of   age.
 CH. Dose =    age  of the  child (in  months )   × A.D.
…                     ---------------------------------------
If  the  adult  dose  of a drug  is  250 mg. calculate
The  amount  of  drug   for  an  infant  of  5 month.
     A         = 5  /  150  ×   250   mg
                  = 8.3  mg.
Pharmaceutical   preparations
                      drugs  may  be dispensed  in different
Dosage  forms for  convenience  of  the  patient .it
Is essential  to  know  the  different  preparations
 and  their  advantages  and  disadvantages  in order
To  use them  correctly  .drugs  may  be dispensed
As  solid   or  liquids  .
Drugs may  be  conveniently   administrated   in
Solid  dosage  forms as powders , tablets , capsules,
Pills  .
                  powders  are  solid  medicaments  in
Finally  divided  form .powders  may be  internal
 use ,external  use .
Powders   may  be classified   as:-
                     simple  powder
                     powders  in cachets  and  capsules
                      dusting powder  , insufflations .
     simple  powder :-
                           contain  a single  ingredient  while
Compound powders  contain  more  than  one

Ingredient . Powders  may  be filled  in  capsules
For  oral  administration.
                    cachets  are  solid dosage form In  which
The drug  is  enclosed  In a sheet of  wafer made of
Rice  powder  and water . Cachets  are   also called
Wafer  capsules . They  have  certain  advantages of
Easy  to  prepare  and  quickly  dissolved  in  the                
Stomach .
Capsules  are cylindrical  shells  containing  the
Drug . Two  type  of capsules  can  be made hard –
And soft  capsules .hard  capsules  are  cylindrical
In  shape and  contain  solid  medicaments .  Soft
Capsules   May  contain  solids , liquids , or  semi
Liquid  and  may be  cylindrical  or spherical  shape.

Dusting  powder
                             dusting  powders  are  meant  for
External  use . They  are  two  types .
1. medical 2.  surgical
  medical  dusting  powders are used  on  superficial
Skin conditions and  are  not meant  for  systematic
Absorption .
                  surgical  dusting  powder  are  used  on
Wounds  and  body  cavities  .they   should be
Sterile  as  they  may  be  absorbed .  These  are
Usually   antibiotics .
                          insufflations  are  dusting  powders
Which  are  blown with the  help  of  an insufflators
Into  areas  like  nose  or ear .

Dry  syrup
                 dry  syrups are  also  powders which  are
To be made  in to solution  before  use .drugs  which
Are  not  stable  in  solution  are  dispensed  as dry
Syrups .many  antibiotics   including  amoxicillin,
Cephalexin ,.

           tablets  are  flat  circular discs  which  are
The  most  commonly  used  solid  dosage  forms .
Powders  are  moulded  or compressed  in to tablets
. The  drug  is  mixed  with  an  inert  substance
Like  lactose  , sucrose , are  meant  to  dissolve
Quickly  in the stomach  fluids .

Tablets  and capsules  may  be available  in  2 forms.
1.  strips  :-
              tablets  are packed  in  strips  or blister packs
.these  are safer  ,attractive ,and  more  hygienic .
   2.  loose  :-
                   a  large  number is counted  and  given  to
The  patient .the  nurses  hands should  be  clean .
Moreover  these  can cause allergic reaction in nurse
And  pharmacist who are handling  them.
       pills  are  made by  mixing  powdered  drugs
With  an adhesive  substance  like  glucose or
Honey .they  are  flattened sphere  or  may  be
Globular  or  oval  in shape .
            solid preparations  made  of  sugar  and gum
.lozenges  are  used  for  their  local  action  on the
Mouth  and  throat .they  need  to  dissolved
Slowly  so  that  have  a  prolonged  local  action
And  therefore  they  are hard . ( Vicks  , strepsils ).
      Solid for  insertion   into   body  cavities :-
                suppositories  are  ovoid  shaped  solid
Preparations  meant  for  insertion  in  to the rectum
.it  may   be
1.for  a  local   effect ,e.g. -  local  anesthetic  for
Piles.   Prednisolone  for  ulcerative  colitis  .
  2.for  systemic   absorption  e.g.- aminophylline .
  3.  for evacuation  of  the  bowel -   dulcolax .
  pessaries   :-
                  pessaries  are cone  shaped solid  dosage
Forms   meant for  insertion into  the  vagina for
Local  action .( candid pessaries , betadine pessaries
              many   pharmaceutical  preparations  are
Dispensed  as  liquids .  Solutions , mixtures, elixirs ,
Syrup ,etc  are  liquids.   Emulsion  and   suspension
Are  also available .
Solutions   are  liquid  dosage  forms  prepared  by
Dissolving  a  solute   in  a solvent .a  solutions  is
Homogeneous ,  and may  be  used orally  or applied
Externally .
         Advantages  Of  Solutions  :-
1. the  dose  can  be  adjusted  as required .
2.  the  solution can  be  made attractive  by  colors
    Flavors  and sweetening  agents .
3.easy  to  swallow  for  children  and elderly  patients  who  are unable  to  swallow .
4.  they  can easily  be absorbed  because they  are
    are  in  liquid   forms  .
      Disadvantages  :-
1. difficult  to  carry  liquids . (   Done at12.10.05)
2. liquids  are less stable than  solid  dosage forms.
3. it  is  difficult  to  the unpleasant   taste and  odor
  of some drugs  .
4. a  spoon or  measuring cup  is  needed  for
Administration .
                                                 A  Mixtures   Is A Liquid
Preparation  Containing  Two  Or  More   Substances
Meant  For  Oral  Use . A  Single Dose  Mixture  Is
Called  Draught  .Mixtures  Are Prepared  Fresh And
Dispensed . They  Do Not Generally  Have Long
Shelf – Life (Not  More  Than  30  Days .
    Elixirs :-
Elixirs   are  clear ,palatable , flavored liquid
Preparation  for  oral  use.  They may be colored  to
Make  them attractive  and generally  are   more
Stable  and  have a  longer  shelf life .
E.g.  Ephedrine  elixir
           syrups  are   flavoured , concentrated,  viscous
Solutions  of  sucrose or  other sugars .syrups
Containing  a  medicinal  substance  is  medicated
While  flavouring  syrup  contain  a pleasant  flavour .
E.g.   Orange  syrup.
       cough  syrup  ,antihistamine   syrup .

    linctuses  :-
               linctuses  are sweet viscous liquids.  They
Contain  a syrup  and  may also have  glycerin  as a
Vehicle   which has  demulcent  effects  on  the
Mucous  membrane  of the throat . Cough remedies
Are  available  as  linctuses . E.g. linctuses  codiene.

   Drops  :-
 drops  are  liquid  preparations  which may be used
Orally  or  for local effect  like  eye drops,  nasal
Drops , and ear  drops.  Oral  drops  are used  in
Children .( vitamin  syrup ,paracetamol syrup).
These preparations  are provided  with  droppers.
Liquids  for  external  application:-
              liniments are  liquid  or semi liquid
Preparations  meant  for  application to  the skin
With  fraction . Liniments  may  contain  ingredients
Which  are irritants  . Therefore  liniment  should
Not be applied  on the  broken  skin. (turpentine
Liniment ,metylsalicylate  liniment ).
     lotion :-
Lotions are  liquid  or  semi liquid  preparations
Meant  for external application .they have soothing
And protective  effect .  They  are applied for  their
Local  effect . ( calamine  lotion .).
          other  preparations:-
1.suspensions :-
             suspensions  are liquid dosage  forms
Containing  finely  divided  solid  particles.  Drugs
Are  generally  dispensed  as  suspensions  for oral
Use , but  they  may  also  be  available  for  topical
Application  .some drugs are available  as dry
Powder .on mixing  with  required  amount  of water
And shaking  thoroughly ,a suspension is  formed
. E.g  cotrimoxazole   suspension .
2.  Emulsions
           emulsions are  liquid  preparations containing
Two  immiscible  liquid  made  miscible  with  the
Help on  an emulsifying  agent .drugs  meant  for
Oral use  or external  application  maybe  dispensed
As emulsions .(  shark liver  oil emulsion ).
    semi  solid  dosage  forms  :-
               ointments are  semisolid  preparations
Meant  for  external  application.tehy  contain  a
A greasy  base . E.g  Whitfield's ointment .
Ointment  may  be  meant  for  local  action or
For  systemic  absorption in to  the  layers  of  the  skin.
Creams  :-
         creams   are  similar  ointments   but  contain
Water  soluble  base because  of  which  they  can
Be  clean  easily  from the   skin .----  cetrimide
Cream,  silver  sulphadiazine cream .
  gels  /jellies  :-
    gels  are thin  transparent  or  translucent
Preparations  meant  for  external  application .

They  are  non-greasy  ,jelly- like  in consistency  and
Are  applied on  the  skin or mucus membrane  .
Diclofenac  gel , daktarin gel .
     liquids  used   for  action  in the mouth :-
  gargles  are aqueous  solutions used for
Deodorant  effect  or  to  treat  infections   in  the
Oral cavity .---- astringents ,anti septic,   and
Flavouring   agents are  used  in  gargles .---
Phenol  gargle ,potassium  chlorate   and  phenol
Gargle  .
           mouth  washes ;-
                mouth   wash  are  liquids used  to
Cleanse  and i  deodorize the oral  cavity .they
Generally  contain antiseptics or  astringents  .
Liquids  to  be  instilled  in to body cavities ;-
Douche  ;- a douche is  an aqueous  solution used
For rinsing  body  cavity .though  the  word  douce
Is  used  for  vaginal  solutions .it  can  also be  used
For  solutions  meant  for  irrigation of  the  bladder
Or  the  rectum  .all  these  solution  can  also  be
Called  irrigations .
  cleansing  douche –   isotonic  sodium  chloride sol.
Chlorhexidine   douche – antiseptic .
Enema  :-
Is  a  liquid  preparation  meant  for  introduction  in
To  rectum.
         substances  other  than  the  active  principle
Used  in a pharmaceutical  preparation are additives
.  Additives  have  no  pharmacological  actions  but
But  are  used  for  certain purpose .  These  are
Included  to  :-                                        
 1.Surfactants    2. coloring  agents
  3.Flavoring   agents    4.  sweetening  agent
5.Pressavatives     6. vehicles
                1.  Surfactants  :- (surface active  agents).
Surfactants  are  substances  which lower  the
 interfacial tension  between two  phases of liquids.
Thus  two  immiscible  liquids  are made  miscible
With  the help  of  surfactants .they  are  the most
Commonly  used  additives  in  both  liquid  and
Solid  preparations .  Surfactants  maybe  used as
Detergents ,wetting agents , emulsifying agents .
  e.g   glycerin  monosterate( non-toxic surfactant).,
  sodium lauryl  sulphate .

2. Coloring  agents :-
                                   coloring   agents are  substances
Used  to  impart  color to  drugs and  food .coloring
Agents  may  be  used in  pharmaceutical
Preparations .
To  make them  more  attractive  and  increased
  their  acceptability .
          bright  colors  like orange red , cherry red, etc.
   3.  Flavouring  agents :-
Flavouring  agents   are  substances  used to impart
A  pleasant  smell  and  taste  to the preparation
So  that  it is  more  palatable .  Generally  fruity  and
Spicy  flavours  are  used  for orally  used
Preparations  while  flowery  flavours  are  used
For preparations  applied  topically. – menthol ,
Chloroform  spirit , aldehydes , esters .
Sweetening  agents :-
          sweetening  agents  are  substances used  to
Impart  a  sweet  taste  to a pharmaceutical
Preparation  in  order  to  mask its  unpleasant
Taste .– sucrose ,  fructose ,.
      preservatives :-
                     preservatives  are  substances added
Pharmaceutical  preparations  to  prevent  the
Growth  of  micro  organisms  in  it. Certain
Ingredients  like  water  and  sugars  encourage the
Growth  of  bacteria  and  fungi .an  ideal
Preservatives  should  be  non-toxic  ,  be  effective
Against  all  the micro  organisms   like  to
Contaminate  .  ---   phenol  ,  benzalkonium chloride
,alcohol  .
Vehicle  :-
    vehicle  is  a medium  in  which  the  ingredients
Are  the  dissolved  or  suspended.  For  liquid
Formulations , we use  the  word  vehicle while  for
Semisolid  preparations  like  ointments .
Water  is  the  most  commonly  used  vehicle  .  

Common  abbreviations  in  use
Latin Term            Abbreviation          English  Meaning
 1.Ad                         ad                           to,
 2.Ana                        aa                          of  each
3. Ante                       a                            before
4. Ante  cibos           ac                           before  meals
5. Aqua                     aq                            water
6.Aqua  destillata    aq dest                  distilled water                      
7.Auris  dextra             a.d.                  Right  ear
8. Auris  laeva            a.l.                      Left  ear
9.Auristillae                auristill              ear  drops
10.Bis  in die            bid                    twice  a  day
11.Capsula                caps                  capsule
12.Cum                        c                       with
13. E.lacte                  e.lact                with  milk
14.  Grana                     gr                    a  grain            
16. Gutta /guttae      gtt                   a drop ,drops
17 .Hora                       h                      an  hour
18 . Hora  somni          hs                    at  bed time
19.Inter cibos                ic                     during  meals
20.In dies                       in.d                daily .
21. Injectio                     inj                 an injection.
Laevo                       l                       left.
Linimentum             lin                    a liniment.  
25.Liqour                       liq                     solution
26.Lotio                          lot.                   Lotion .
27. Mane                         m                     morning
28 .Mistura                      mist                  a mixture
29 .Modo Prescripto      m .pres         as  prescribed
30 .Nebula                      nebul             a  spray
31.Octarious                    o                     a  pint
32. Oculo utro                  o u                each  eye
33. Oculus  dexter           od                    right  eye
34.Oculus  leavus              ol                      left  eye
Omni                            omn                  every
Omni  mane                 om              every  morning
Omni nocte                  on                 every  night
Oris ,Os                          os                  mouth
Per os                             po              orally, by mouth
Post  cibos                    pc                after  meals        

41. Post  cibos             pc               after   meals
42 Pro re  nata             prn          when necessary .
43. Pulvis                       pulv                powder
44.Quaque quarta hora     qqh      every  fourth hour
45. Quarter  in die         qid             four times  a day
46. Quotidie                   quot          daily
47. Recipe                        Rx               take
48 . Semis ,Semi              ss               half
49 .Sext is horis               sext .hor    every six  hour

50 .Si opus  sit           sos                         if  necessary
52 .Statim                   stat            immediately, at once
53.Tabella,tabeltta       tab            a  tablet .
54. Ter  in  die               tid            three  times a day
55. Unguentum            ung            an  ointment
57. Unus                        i                   one
58. Duo                         ii                   two
59. Tres                          iii                  three  
60 .Quatuor               iv                       four
61. Quinque                v                         five
62. Sex                          vi
63. Septem                    vii
64 . Octo                         viii
65 . Novem                       ix  
66. Decem                         x
67 .Undecim                      xi
68. Quindecim                     xv              fifteen
69. Tea spoon              tsp            tea spoon full
70.Tabl  spoon             tbsp       table  spoon full
71. Quaque hora      qh            every  hour
          Unit   -1V
       Explain  The  Actions  Of  Drugs  By  Each
                          Classification  :-
Drugs   can  be classified  from  different
Perspectives .for  example :-
 1. drugs  may  be  classified  by  body  system
     -----drugs  that  affect  the  respiratory  system,
-----drugs   that  affect cardio  vascular  system.
Drugs  May  Be  Classified  By The  Symptoms
 Relieved  Of  The  Drug  Or  Clinical  Indication  of
The  drug ------
       --   Analgesics ,  Antibiotics
                                   nurses  categorize  medications
With  similar  characteristics  by  their  class .drug
Classification  indicates  the  effect  on  body
System ,  the symptoms  relived , or  the  desired
Effect  . Each  class  contains  drugs prescribed  for
Similar  types  health  problems .  The  class is  not
Necessary  same.  A  drug  may  also  belong  to
More than  one  class . E.g .- aspirin  is  an
Analgesics , an  antipyretic   and  anti-inflammatory
       nurses  should  know the  general characteristic
Of  drugs  in  each  class .each  class  has nursing  
Implications  for  proper administration  and
Monitoring . E.g.  Nursing  implication related  to
Diuretic  administration  include  monitoring intake
And  output ,  weighing  the  client  duly ,assessing
The  development  edema in  body  tissues , and
Monitoring  serum  electrolyze  level .  Nursing
Implications  of  all  medications within  a class
Provide  guidelines for  safe and effective  care .

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