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At Nursescafe, we believe in nurses and they believe in us.

For more years, has been the most trusted source of nursing studies; innovative, award-winning learning opportunities; compelling news and other resources that actively support the registered nurses we serve. Our audience inspires our culture: As the ultimate career resource for RNs, we are inventive, engaged and ultimately driven to improve patient care by supporting the career aspirations of healthcare professionals.

Ethics for nurses

Professional nurse

Person who apply the art and science of nursing which reflects comprehension of principles derived from the physical, biological and behavioral sciences.
Professional nurse is a graduate of a recognized nursing school who has met the requirement for a registered nurse in a state in which she is licensed to practice.


Complete a basic nursing education program me.
Licensed in his/her country or state to practice professional nursing.
Capacity and ability to work cooperatively with others.
Skill in diction making.
Economic use of material and time.
Nursing registration

Earlier    in medical council
62 –A     female nurses.
62-B       male nurses.
62-C       public health nurses.
62-D       assisted nurses
Now      in Nursing council       ? Details

Qualities of a professional nurse

The liberal meaning of the word nurse
N- nobility, knowledge
U-usefulness, understanding
S- simplicity/sympathy
E- efficiency/equanimity
Professional obligation
Recognize and response appropriately to unsafe or unprofessional practice.
Follow up incidents of unsafe practice to prevent reoccurrence.
Advocate for individuals/groups and their rights for nursing and health care within organizational and management structure.
Identify when recourses are insufficient to meet care needs of individuals/groups.
Communicate efficiently to meet care needs of individuals to management.
Use health care resources efficiently and effectively to promote optimal nursing care anhealth care.

Recognize when nursing resources are insufficient to meet an individuals/group need.
Recognize the responsibility to report to relevant person when level of recourses risks compromising the quality of cared.
Responsibilities of the Professional Nurse
Basic responsibilities
1. Promotion of health
2. Prevention of illness
3. Caring for the sick
4. Restoration of health

Primary Responsibilities of the Nurse
Promotion of health
Prevention of illness
Collaborative with other health care providers
Provide nursing care through the utilization of the nursing process.
Establish linkages with community recourses.
Provide health education to individuals, families and communities.
Teach, guide and supervise students in nursing education program.
Maintain competence by continual learning through continuing professional education.
Participation in professional organization and activities.

Nightingale Pledge

Important things in Nightingale Pledge
Pass my life in purity
(Do I practice high moral standers)
Practice my profession faithfully
(my work in accurate and honest)
I will abstain whatever deleterious and mischievous
(is my professional conduct ethically correct)

I will no tale or knowingly administer any harmful drugs.
(an I keeping away from anything that harm my life or others)
I will do all of my power to maintain and elevate the standers of my profession
(Do I continue to learn, participate nursing research, participate professional organization)
I will hold in confidence all personal matters committed to my keeping and all family affairs coming to my knowledge in the practice of my calling
(Do I keep confidence that are entrusted to me)
With loyalty I will endeavor to aid the physician in his work
I devote myself to the welfare of those committed to my care
(Do I really devote myself to the welfare of those in my care?
Am I really dedicated to meeting the health needs of others?)

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